Networking the Network: What is Google+ ?

by Jackie 

It seems as if there’s a new social networking platform every day. Aside from Facebook and Twitter, I’m usually reluctant to join new online networks. I don’t know how long they’ll last in the social networking universe, and am not too eager to keep up with yet another site. But, I’ve dedicated this summer to trying new things so I decided to try out Google +. I plan on using the streamlined “answer to Facebook” as a medium for both personal and professional networking. The delicate balance between these two worlds is essential for making key connections.

I use my Facebook page for fun and  keep a tight rein on the site’s customizable Friends Lists. Whereas my Facebook page is strictly for personal use, my LinkedIn page is purely professional, and sort of robotic. As I grow in my career and gain more experience, I’ve learned from mentors that networking should not be strictly business. While maintaining privacy is paramount, it is also important to be personable and approachable. My Google+ page will be the place for just that.

So far, what I like about the site is its use of “Circles” to categorize contacts. At every turn, you can customize which circle (colleagues, friends, family, etc.) sees what. While this is an option on Facebook, it is much more user friendly on Google+, with prompts appearing before every post.

I also like that the site is clean and easy to navigate. So far, there’s no Farmville, Honesty Box, or Sorority Life applications.

The site is brand new, relying on the guise of limited invitations to create a sense of exclusivity. Will Google+ outgrow Facebook, or will it keep us going around in circles? I guess we’ll have to wait and see.

Want to learn more? Click here for tips for Google+ newbies.

Oh, and shoutout to @Apoc06 for the Google+ invite!