Essence Magazine: 40 years of celebrating women

by Sherria

(left to right) Supermodels: Naomi Campbell, Iman, and Liya Kibede

The 40th Anniversary Collector’s Edition of Essence Magazine has hit the newsstands. I picked up my copy yesterday!  I know I’m not alone when I say that Essence Magazine has been one of the primary resources for style, beauty, and lifestyle for black women in America for decades. But over the years, I have seen Essence evolve. Not only does the magazine feature the latest trends or give updates on what’s happening in the African-American community, Essence has evolved into a pan-African magazine; highlighting achievements of black people around the globe, providing a glimpse of African and Afro-Latino cultures, and writing investigative reports on social and political injustices in foreign nations. Although this months’ issue features supermodels on the cover, it really does show the diversity of black women and the evolution of Essence as a pan-African magazine. As, I purchased my copy yesterday, the Ethiopian cashier turned to her co-worker and smiled, she looked at me and said “she is from my country!”- referring to Liya Kebede, Ethiopian supermodel pictured on alongside Naomi Campbell, a Jamaican-British model, and Iman- originally from Somalia. Happy Anniversary to Essence Magazine: Celebrating the beauty, life, and style of black women for 40 years! 

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